العربية English

About the Journal

About the Journal

  1. The Journal of the College of Basic Education for Educational Sciences and Humanities is one of the most significant Iraqi university Journals. It was first published in 2009 by the College of Basic Education/ Babylon University. 
  2. It is a peer- reviewed Journal that is approved for scientific promotions of professors inside and outside Iraq. It is also approved to support the scientific research 
  3. It is published quarterly (4 issues per year), it is also publishes special issues for scientific conferences 
  4. The journal is self-financed by applying fees on the researcher's work published in the journal. 
  5. The journal adopts special instructions for publishing scientific research, which are subjected to arbitration by experts with scientific titles. The instructions entitled (Researchers’ Guideline) 
  6. The Journal’s new website, which is based on the system (Open Journal system ) OJS  https://becj-iq.org
  7. The Journal uses ( Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License) 
  8. The journal is registered in the Google scholar engine 
  9. https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=ar&user=prwH9dQAAAAJ

  10. The journal has a deposit number at the National Library of Books and archives. No. 1309 in 2009, Baghdad 
  11. Every manuscript submitted for publication is checked for plagiarism via Turnitin as of 2017/5/1