العربية English

Publication decisions

Publication decisions.

The editor will evaluate manuscripts without regard to the authors’ race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy. The decision will be based only on the paper’s importance, originality and clarity, and the study’s validity and its relevance to the journal’s scope. Current legal requirements regarding copyright infringement, and plagiarism should also be considered.



The editor and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate.


Disclosure and conflicts of interest

The editor-in-chief and editorial board are not allowed to use any information that occurs in unpublished documents or academic scientific research unless they have written permission from the research author




Participation in Editorial Decisions

The peer review process of research assists the editorial board in making an appropriate decision concerning the research and assisting the author in improving his/her research. The editorial board adheres to grant peer reviewers the standards, regulations, and level of originality of the accepted research and documents for publication in the journal. In addition, the editorial board is committed not to disclose the names of the peer reviewers unless written consent is obtained from the concerned peer reviewers.




The arbitrator must take the initiative and speed in evaluating the research directed to him within (3) weeks, the selected peer reviewers are committed to notifying the editorial board of their apology for reviewing as soon as possible.




Reviewers are required to treat submitted documents and research confidentially. They cannot reveal or debate them with others except the editor-in-chief. Any manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. They must not be disclosed to or discussed with others except those authorized by the editorial board.



Standards of objectivity.  

The criteria of objectivity in peer reviewing are fundamental requirements, and personal judgment concerning authors is not permitted and disregarded. The peer review process must be enhanced by scientific arguments and clear points of view; it must follow the journal’s adopted criteria and regulations of “publication requirements.”




Acknowledgement of Sources: 

Reviewers are committed to notifying the editorial board of the author's non-compliance with the requirements of publication. In addition, they are committed to ensuring the appropriateness of the references and the correct referencing (references should be matched in the body text and bibliography). The arguments and views presented in the research should not belong to another research. Reviewers are committed to notifying the editor of any substantial similarity or overlap between research submitted to the journal and any other published research.


Authors’ responsibilities

Reporting Standards

Researchers are required to comply with the measures and regulations of “publication policy” and the journal’s approved writing style. Criteria of accuracy must be provided through the clarity of the aim, the justification of the research approach, the presentation of results in an accurate and sequential way, the debating of results in a way that accomplishes the aims of the research, and all should be enhanced by recent scientific references. Additionally, it should include results not stated in another research. The inclusion of stolen results is regarded as unacceptable and unethical behavior.



Originality, plagiarism and acknowledgement of sources.

The author must prove the originality of his work, and any quotation or use of paragraphs and words of others must be marginalized in an appropriate and correct manner. The journal has the right to use plagiarism programs and discover piracy for works submitted for publication


Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication.   

Researchers should not submit their work to more than one journal at a time, as it goes against the publication's policy.



Authorship of the paper.   

The research must mention the names of all the authors who made significant contributions, such as the idea, writing, design, and implementation. One of the authors must be a coordinator to contact the journal. The journal is not obligated to return the research and its financial dues in the event that it is rejected by the referees.


Fundamental errors in published works

The researcher(s) must take into account all the referees' comments and corrections while adhering to the journal's publication standards.