العربية English

Reviewers Guidelines

The reviewers have to read the criteria for judging a submission's suitability for publication in the journal, which may include instructions for preparing an effective and helpful review. Reviewers will have an opportunity to provide comments intended for the author and editors as well as separate comments for the editor only.

Please consider the following points if possible:

(1) Is the manuscript within the scope of the College of Basic Education Journal?

(2) Are the information original and not yet published elsewhere?

(3) Is the title appropriate and concise?

(4) Is the abstract (in any) representative of the content of the manuscript?

(5) Is the subject clearly and logically presented?

(6) Are the interpretations justified?

(7) Are the discussion and conclusions supported by the results?

(8) Is the literature cited appropriately and comprehensively?

(9) Are the tables and figures clear, all necessary, and well labeled?

(10) Should some parts of the manuscript be modified, expanded, or omitted?

(11) Does the overall length of the manuscript correspond to its content?

Comments in the form of texts can be entered into comment field (comments for authors and those for editors only can be entered into two different sections. You can also upload edited files.

Please make a recommendation

 -Accept the research

-Accept the research with minor modifications.;

-Accept the research after making substantial changes to it.

-Rejected the research